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This is an information website to assist fishing tackle collectors and the public. There are many vintage lure companies from Ontario Canada. This website will help to educate and assist fishing tackle collectors to identify and value lures manufactured in the province of Ontario or Canada. My name is Patrick Daradick and over the 26 years of collecting vintage fishing lures,I have developed a love of the inventions and creativity by Ontario tackles makers.The information obtained from collecting fishing tackle and researching the history of Ontario lure makers is now documented with the help of fellow collectors and the public.For all to enjoy.
If you wish to add any information to this Ontario website your efforts will be appreciated. Feel free to browse the ontariolures site map and if any information is incorrect, please contact me. If you wish to have a lure valued or identified just e-mail me or phone Click :Contact Patrick. I will provide a complete honest evaluation of your fishing tackle. This is a non profit site provided as service to the public to use. Thanks for your visit and hope you enjoy my website on vintage fishing tackle.
Vintage Fishing Tackle and old lures wanted.Especially Ontario made fishing lures&boxes. If you would like to sell or have your vintage fishing tackle appraised for "Free" click here: Contact Patrick
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Patrick Daradick
In 1931 Clifford "Kip" Colmer designed and invented the "Magnetic Minnow". Clifford better known as "Kip" to family and friends was born in Peterborough in 1906.The family resided at 497 Bolivar Ave. in Peterborough. After Clifford had finished his schooling, Cliff found employment in the 1930's at the Albion Knitting Co. A company well known for producing NHL hockey jerseys. The factory was located at the corners of Park and Murray Streets. Cliff's trade was maintenance and machinery. He also supervised operations at this facility.
Clifford was a very accomplished woodworker.He had a workshop set up in his basement at 497 Bolivar and this is where he would invent his Magnetic Minnow.His lures were of the highest quality and workmanship.The wooden lures had glass eyes and a metal lip with the words,"Colmer Rd 1931 Made In Canada," stamped into them.Cliff registered his lure with the Industrial Design Office January 7.1931,registration #9033.Kip an avid fisherman would also test his new lures on local water to see if they really did "attract all fish" as the box stated.His catches proved his lure was a winner and soon he was producing them for local sales and friends. The lure business never really flourished and Kip was soon devoting his time to making wooden lamps and working on his wooden boat. .